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Monday, April 25, 2005 2:30 pm
1st Round Doubles Girls & Boys Bus Leaves at 1:00 pm
Girls 2:30 #1 Doubles Red Bay (Jarnigan-Jarnigan) vs. Lauderdale Co #2 Doubles Red Bay ( Hammock-Palmer) vs. Laud Co 2:45 #3 Doubles Red Bay (Burleson-L.Graham) vs. Laud Co
Boys 2:30 #1 Doubles Red Bay (Mann-Raper) vs. Lexington #2 Doubles Red Bay (W.Jarnigan-Glasgow)--- Bye #3 Doubles Red Bay (Kennedy-Russell)-- Bye
Note: Approximate TIMES ----- Players should not leave court area unless permission from section director
Girls-------Tuesday, April 26, 2005 CancelledUNA Courts on Wednesday, April 27, 8:30 am
Wednesday, April 27 Meet at UNA-Florence Ride with Parents----No Bus Coach G will leave SwampJohn's at 7:25 am for players whose parents are not able to bring them.
8:30 am 1st Round Singles #1 RB Julie Jarnigan vs. Laud Co approx. #2 RB Betsy Jarnigan vs. Rogers 10:30 am #3 RB Lydia Hammock vs. Rogers #4 RB Paige Palmer vs. Mars Hill #5 RB Tamara Burleson vs. Lex #6 RB Jodi Wilemon vs. Mars Hill 11 Doubles Semifinals 11:30 am Semifinals
3:30 pm Finals----Girls Singles
4:30pm Finals- Girls Doubles
Boys-------Wednesday, April 27 Meet at Royal Ave-Florence at 9:15 am----Players should Ride with Parents Coach G will leave SwampJohn's at 7:25am for players whose parents are unable to bring them to Florence
9:30 am Semi-finals Doubles
10:30 am 10:00 #1 Singles RB Evan.Mann vs. Winner-(Shef-MH) #2 Singles RB Chanler Raper vs. Lex 10:00 #3 Singles RB- Wesley Jarniganvs. Winner-(Shef-Rogers) #4 Singles RB Kurt Kennedy vs. Lex 10:00 #5 Singles RB Matt Russell vs. Winner-(Lex-Rogers) #6 Singles RB Kyle Glasgow vs. MH 10:00 vs. Rogers 12:00 noon Singles Sem-Finals
3:00 pm Singles Finals
4:00 pm Doubles Finals
FRANKLIN COUNTY TIMES NEWSPAPERS, inc. Red Bay boys qualify for state tennis tournament
By Mike Self FCT Sports Editor The Tigers finished with 29 points, one point ahead of third-place Rogers. Wesley Jarnigan and Kyle Glasgow advanced to the finals at No. 2 doubles before falling 4-6, 4-6 to Lauderdale County.